Born in 1958, Sendai City, Japan. graduate from Bunka College of Fashion, which is Japan’s most prominent fashion school, then he started working at Miyake Design Studio, he became a freelance designer, specializing mainly in costume design and costume stage productions. Yoshiki Hishinuma started his label in 1992. He is known for producing uniquely shaped clothes using wind and air which, he called “Kite Clothes” and “Air Clothes”, as well as integrating technology into traditional Japanese tie-dye designs. He also designed many other costumes with highly original shapes.
The brand
In 1992, he initiated a line of clothing for women under the bland name Yoshiki Hishinuma, and he also began showing his collection in Paris. In 1996, he was awarded the Mainichi Prize for Fashion for using the very latest technology to breathe new life into traditional Japanese tie-dye designs. An exhibition of his works designed over the last ten years was held in 1999 at the Gemeentemuseum Den Haag in the Netherlands. In 2000, he was in charge of costume design for an original ballet production being held by Nederlands Dans Theater, “Arcimboldo 2000”.She was in charge of costume design for an original ballet production in the same country.